Monday, May 31, 2010

Free Fatty Acid

All oil will under hydrolysis (action with water liberating one the of fatty acid - this liberated fatty acid is called FFA or Free Fatty Acid

Oil (Triglyceride) + Water - FFA + Diglyceide (DG, ie One glycerol + 2 Fatty Acid)

So during the raining season, CPO quality deteriorate in FFA increase due to the water come into contact with the fruits (especially the part that is being bruise when the fruit bunch drop onto the ground)

Free Fatty Acid is the most important quality parameter in all oil trades, crude or refined, and is well governed by established trading rules

FFA is always expressed in terms of the majority of the fatty acid molecules present

e.g. of FFA in oil
CPO (as palmitic) - 5% max (Poram)
CPKO (as Lauric) - 4% max (Meoma)
CDSBO (as Oleic) - 0.75 % max (NOPA) or 1% max (NSPA)

Another parameter that sometimes used is called Acid Value - this parameter need not mentioned the fatty acid involved

Acid Value = FFA as Oleic x 2 or FFA as pamitic x 2.19 or ffa as lauric x 2.805

During the refining, FFA is reduce to 0.05 - 0.1%. For most modern Food Act legilation, FFA < 0.2 to be fit for human consumption (funny concept -our ancestor have been consume crude peanut oi (chinese), crude coconut oil (india), crude palm oil (even now at africa), and all of them are healthy)
Why?? be continue

The compositon of oil

Oil is mixture of triglyceride molecules

will be confusing for non-chemistry

Triglyceride molecule = 1 glycerol + 3 Fatty acids combined chemically together

There are many types of fatty acids and characterized by their number of carbon atoms, and always in even number - from 6 - 24

common fatty acid
C12 - Lauric acid (found in coconut/palm kernel oil)
C16 - Palmitic (found in palm oil)

these are call saturated fatty acid

When carbon number getting bigger, there will be unsaturation or presence of double bind

common unsaturated fatty acid
C18.1 Oleic acid (found in Olive Oil)
C18.2 Linoleic acid (Soyabean Oil)
C18.3 Linolenic acid (Linseed Oil)
C22.1 Euricic (Rapedseed Oil)

The characteristic of the oil is determined by the carbon number and the unsaturation

So if you analysis palm oil, typical composition

C12 - 0.4%
C16 - 42%
c18.1 - 38%
others - C14, C18, C18.2 etc

Friday, May 28, 2010

Oil Chemistry - the very basic

Oil Chemistry - the basic , very

Thanks to the new boss who is kind and academic - learn a lot of palm oil and its practical approach to solve commercial dispute

This is the famous PORAM spec


Thanks to the knowledgeable founding member of Malaysian Palm Oil Industry - this is a simple and practical specification that cover quality (FFA, MNI, Color) and indicative test for oil characteristic to avoid adulteration/contamination (IV, MP). The testing method may have its undesirable reproducibility problem but over the years the industry has accepted it.......until the Indonesia Palm Oil comes along

The Indian/Pakistan fuzzy buyers had claimed the spec is too simple (due to "adviser" with vested interest) and come out with their respective but same STC/GCP respectively) but if u analyse the spec it is

+ Cloud Point (the reproducibility as bad as mpt - give rise to more argument
+ Refractive index + density + (Not an indicative test as all)
+ Sap Value and Unsap Matter (laborious testing procedure and less indicative compare to IV)
+ certify oil is bland in taste/falvor, free from contamination, colouring or flavouring matter,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and fit for human consumption"

Basically given more revenue to the testing laboratory, hehe

spre thought part 2

spare thought

Bill of Lading, shore figure or ship's figure?

One of the most confusing aspect of BL figure is using shore figure

After some 25yr with traders, i always thought shore figure as BL figure is engrave in stone in bulk oil industries

the last 5 yrs i spent some times with the chartering people & start to see a new perspective in bl figure

All official contracts, poram, fosfa, have inevitability bind bl figure to shore figure - this practice is based on technical rather than the legal concept. Any way buyer-seller accepted it and it become industrial practice and never been really challenge in arbitration or court. The court has great reluctance to challenge the established trading rules unless in involved principle of law.

The what if the challenge involved ship's owner or charterer? Can you sue ship's owner for outturn shortage when there is a ship-shore difference at time of loading?

In the good old days, the scenario is as followed

BL based on shore : 1000mt
Ship's figure at l/port : 900
ship's figure at d/port : 900
Outturn : 900

Owner has no liability on this case as ship's figure is used as a guide only. BL based on shore as given to Owner - Quantity and Quality unknown to owner and hence there is no liability. Unless one can prove there is a hidden compartment in the vessel that stowed the 100mt, the ship's has no ability

Now this is what u called the good old days - the gentlemen

Now the legal challenge - when u sell cnf and at disport, the buyer or its insurance company at some fierce continent - arrest the vessel and hold them responsible - why?
go back to what is the meaning of BL?

it is an official receipt of oil - if vessel received 900 but issued 1000, it means vessl has received 1000mt, period and hence responsible for the shortage.

If one is confused -go back to non-bulk cargo. When you load 1000 cartons to the ship, there is always one or two telly clerk to count the number when being loaded into the ship's hold. The Master will issued bl based on its own telly on quantity loaded into the ship's hold. Master has the rights to reject the carton if it is not in the sound condition, e.g, torn, or it clause the bl ie no more clean bl

After several several round to the disport insurance and/or buyer, PNI club has advise ship's owner to issue bl based on ship's figure if the ship-shore difference is too great. If charterer insisted on shore, the owner require the letter of indemnity

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Examples of Ship-shore difference

Example 1

A Japanese Vessel loaded 6000 mt off Dumai port from certain infamous installation. Ship shore difference 29mt or 0.48% (<0.5%). Everybody is happy. Shipping document signed & vessel release and info relay to Principal at 0800hr. GM, FM, OM and yrs truly received info and equally happy & filed the fax. Very rarely one got good loading figure from Dumai

At about the same time, our workaholic CEO flew off to HK for meeting and flew back on the same day after the meeting. Understanding he went back to the office to pick up the faxes (yes, it's correct. Those day no email and he read all faxes. When we have email, he read all email and faxes). Before midnight all the above 3M receiving screaming call from the CEO. One of them did not pick up the call as he is soundly asleep. The luck did not last - next morning at 7am while driving to work, the screaming call arrived

At discharge port, as expected, outturn lost is 30mt and buyer scream

Lesson learn

a) Japanese vessel have good vef - u dont even have to check
b) take 0.5% with a pinch of salt - supposedly meant for skin loss - if 30mt is about the weight of 2 trucks and that's a lot of oil
c)Beware of the infamous installation - u have no hope of good ship-shore figure. If you do, you must be mistaken

Example 2

It is no more 1980 - we have enter int0 21st century. But we never learned

Loaded 20,000mt CPO at Indon port by barges (yes, B/L still based on shore) to India and discrepancy is 100mt or 0.5%. Again everybody is happy and vsl reached India and discharged. Outturn short by 100mt. A a lot of screaming from buyer but everybody say it is VEF but nobody bother to check

Vel second voyage now calling different port and again another 100mt short but this time it is bound for china. People tend to forget that China is Communist Country despite its growth & prosperity. When China Insurance learn of the ship-shore difference, it obtain a court order to arrest the vessel (Court Order to arrest vsl is commercially not possible in Msia, doable in Spore but in China anyone can arrest the vessel, even CCIB, the govt surveyor). Vsl PNI have to put forward Bank Guarantee before vessel can be release. Shipper indemnify ship's owner and cargo is discharge and as expected, short 100mt

If one analyze the loading figure, the VEF is ok for the set of tanks loaded for China and one should take preventive action

Example 3
Funny example

Loading completed on a lazy saturday afternoon in leisure East Malaysia Port. We have a gain in ship's figure even thought VEF is good. There should not be any problem but to make record looks good, hei, Master, why dont we lower the ship figure to match the the shore/bl figure. Well, why not, Master say ok

Come monday factory come to life and stock take showed 100 mt short and this trace back to the loading on saturday. Oops, there is a calculation mistake on the shore figure

Panic call to ship owner to adjust the BL figure. Adjust BL is already a no-no, what more with a huge ship-shore difference and the vessel is destined to another infamous snake-hole in the Sub-continenet. It is easier to ask Sister Theresa to post center page for Playboy

Vessel is then asked to divert to Singapore, discharge into the shore to re-established the B/L, and then loaded back into the vessel. All at the cost of shipper

Lesson learn - go back to basic - plse check the shore figure before venture into complicated area like vef

Example 4

Actually some yr before that, the same factory actually send a CPOL vessel to associate company in that show a gain of 100mt as compare to VEF

After discharge, the China factory manager call the shipper thanking him for the 100mt extra but wish that the 100 mt to be CPOL instead of CPO

U cannot say they did not learn - they did and know the implication of VEF and a little knowledge is a very dangerous thing

Example 5

This is a god-bless-me example

U r attending the CEO 60-something birthday with all traders and Chief Treader and Senior Chief Trader and sb senior chief trader

Phone call and Dumai again - 150mt short for a 20,000mt vessel. Its a infamous snake hole at right but some people have overlooked a simple precaution steps - to load shipper by shipper so as to pint point the king copra. No, its commingle and all shipper oil are rojak into few common tanks.

Letters of Protest are issued to all shipper and all shipper say "not me"

The vessel is sold based land quantity to some gentleman buyer - manage to convince the ship's owner to use shore figure as BL figure

On arrival to destination,prior to unloading, some ship's crew open the wrong valve and contaminate the whole cargo (yes the 20,000 + some other oil on board) and we claimed total loss

Praise the Lord and pass the ketchup

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Vessel Experience Factor

Vessel Experience Factory VEF defined as a ratio

Vessel weight
-------------------------------- = VEF
B/L weight established at shore

If VEF > 1, vsl is over-calibrated,
<1 , under calibrated

There is some elaborate and systematic calculation involved in establishing VEF, e.f last five voyage & some statistical method in rejecting outllayer

VEF has been used quite extensively in petroleum shipment but to applied to palm oil pose some problem, bec

1) Petroleum - normally involved the whole vessel involving all tanks and single product. In palm oil normally problem arise over cerain parcel occupied some of the tanks
2) It is still not an industrial practice for palm oil to demand for VEF - resistance from ship's Master/Owner in releasing the VEF. (Some vessel claimed there is no VEF which is rubbish - the raw data are there, just provide the last 5 cargo as per vessel Cargo Log Book and you can calculate the VEF)

When using VEF in applying Palm Oil shipment consider the following palm oil factor

1) loading mode - if loading at Indonesia off-port, likely is it by barge-to-ship transfer. The barge is non-heated and there will be cargo ROB (remained on board). Some ROB are intentionally created as obvious

2) Heated cargo like PFAD/Stearin - view the loading temperature. if it is too low, then check whether there is stripping of shore tank

3) Generally rule of thumb, normally Japanese/Korean Vessel has good vef, old vsl and/or Russian ship, god help you

First recheck all shore calculation and pipeline properly cleared.

Then look at the vessel experience

Check with Vsl Master the last 5 loading to established the usual ship-shore difference - generally known as Vessel Experience Factor

rule of thumb

a) Japanese vessl are generally calibrated and give good shore-ship figure
b) Old vessel like Russian has no calibration figure
c) preferably vef based on whole vsl

Take the 0.5% with a pinch of salt - for 6000mt vsl 0.5% is 30mt - if it happen to a Japanese Ship - you better watch it

but time has change - saw 20k vessel loading with 100mt short and there is no feeling at all

Ship-Shore difference

Try to avoid ship shore difference before loading

1) Established the problematic load port. If you have a choice of Belawan/Dumai Port - Dumai is the champion

2) Shipper - you should have the rating of the reputable of shipper

3) Installation - the infamous snake hole

I ever loss 100mt of oil loading at the Snake hole at the infamous port and 3-bullets shipper. God is on my side - vessel reached Rotterdam and master accidentally awing the wrong valve and contaminate the whole cargo. We claimed total loss and I get off the hooks

If by no choice you Chief/Cheap Trader decide to take the cargo from the triple jeopardy port because it is usd2/mt cheaper, well, pray and do the following :-

a) Get a good surveyor to attend (Good has nothing with the company name - its the person)

b) Load not to be the last shipper to laod - usually they steal from the pipeline quantity and the last shipper suffer

c) Do not sweep empty the tank

d) It may not be legal but we ever refuse to issue BL to the shipper until they revise the shore figure

Monday, May 17, 2010

Ship quantity

The biggest problem of ship's figure is its conflicting role with Bill of Lading


a) BL - acknowledge receipt of goods by vessel LOADED into the ship's Hold/Tanks. BL figure has legal implication as it implied transfer of custodian of ownership form exporter to carrier. Normally it refer to quantity ALREADY loaded into the ship's hold or tanks

b) Ship figure in bulk is also traditionally by trade practice used as a guide and shore quantity is used as BL. Reason

a. Vsl afloat do not give accurate sounding/ullaging due to the swaying and movement of the ship
b. Vsl can be down by stern/head and listing affecting the accuracy of sounding, even tough some vls do provide correction
c. Some old vessel is not even calibrated

Unlike packages that are countable, weight or volume generated by sounding or ullaging are never absolute. (see previous article). Even the best calibrated ship's tank with sea as calm as solid ground, there will be a difference. (Alternatively oil transfer from one calibrated shore tank to another shore tank will bound to be different even assuming no skin loss)

When there is difference the trade practice is that the tolerance should be less than 0.5%. Traditionally, for trade practice, Ship's Owner liability is ship's figure from loadport to discharge Port. To bulk oil carrier, BL quantity, being established at shore, is not their responsibility. The often Disclaimer clause "Quantity & Quality unknown to Master"

This gentlemen approach has been challenge recently due to

- bigger vessel - the 0.5% can come to 100mt
- the fast pace of Indonesian CPO expansion resulted in many river ports with dubious loading practice,
- Loading involved transfer of non-heated barge to ship

ie there is indeed actual loss of few hundred tons of oils and buyers started to lay claims. Some insurance start to refute the claims stated Owner by issuing BL knowing very well vessel figure is different. Others resort to arrest the vessel forcing the owner to pay at least some of the losses (esp in Pakistan and India, now China has started to learn the trade)

When ship's owner refuse to issue BL based on shore figure and insisted on ship's figure, there is several implication

a) Shipper will insist shore as BL as per Trading terms - PORAM OR FOSDA
b) Many country take BL as official for duty & tax other. If there is discrepancy it may problem to the local authority.
c) Trader will suffer as they pay shipper based on shore and at disport faced claims from buyer for short loading

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Shore quantity

Sounding - the height of the oil level
Ullaging - the height of the space above the oil level

Bulk Oil and liquid (except petroleum & solvent) are measured by simple formula

Volume in M3 or Kilo-Liters (KL) @ obsd temp x density @ the same temp = metric tons

a) Volume in vertical uniform storage tank

The calibration consists of 2 parts

- the bottom cone of the tank - irregular and measure by direct pouring of water or other liquid of known density - terms as dead-stock

- the uniform vertical cylindrical section using the formula Volume (V)

V = 4/3 (pi)x H x R3 where R is the radius & H is the height of oil

Volume of oil at any point = dead-stock + volume @ H height

Sound logical - what seemed to be the problem then?

1. the measurement of dead-stock - if there is an inherent error as it is done by physical poring of known volume of liquid (laborious and subject to human error). It is why never encourage emptying of the tank

Latest quickie method using optical method cast more doubts to the accuracy of the method

2. The formula assuming a perfect cylindrical shell of a perfect circle, in actual case it is not and complicated by the thickness of the steel

3. Some standard like Chinese take the expansion of steel into consideration. Personally i think it is pure academic

The most important factor is still commercial

The official custodian of the oil is normally the storage terminal. Oil is delivered to the terminal by truck or tankers and the weight is registered by the weighbridge weighing. - this is called book figure

During export, the weight is ascertaining by ullaging in the presence of surveyor or independent party - obviously installation do not wish to see the ullaging less than the book-figure, even by 1mt out of 2000mt - some fuzzy exporter will complaint.

The installation didn't cheat actually - as the calibration is often done by independent calibrator - they are being called back for recalibration.

Due to competition - the recalibration is at calibrator due to their "mistakes". A smart calibrator is calibrate the physical slightly above the tolerance, say 0.1% - hardly noticeable by any standard. However for a medium refinery @ 1000mt capacity, the gain is 1mt per day or 300-400mt for yr and @ usd500per mt = usd150,000. This is the "operation yield" as compare to production yield (Imagine if they do cheat actually, a medium size terminal that i know reportedly gain 2000mt per year in book figure...... not me company of course)

Interesting question, if the shipper one day turn importer?? will they suffer "operation loss" - possible but avoidable.

How? covered the dead-stock with some oils before receiving the oil - this is the place the smart calibrator likely to give the bonus to the installation


Surveying is tough but as Calvin dad always said, it built character

learn the very basic of weight measurement (ullaging) and samppling

What at difference between University Text and Real World

1) Sampling

a) University - representative sample - what does it means

b) AOCS method (American Oil Chemists' Society)

Draw bottom sample at ascertain sludge; there after inch by inch until sample is free from sludge, then foot by foot until the top
Composite these 60-100 samples into one composite

well for a 60ft tank, we have enough samples to fill a small truck and may take a whole. India (STC) and Pakistani (GCP/TCP) insisted on it and all surveyors certify with their eyes closed that "that the sampling is done accordance to AOCS official methods". This method is drafted about 100yrs ago and nobody bother to dispute it; simply nobody followed it

3) Practical approach

Porim (old MPOB) formulate 3-level sampling - Top/Middle/Bottom
Top - 1 foot from Top, Bottom - 1 foot from Bottom, Middle - middle of Top & Bottom

the above work well with Refined product

As for Crude, practical approach is do not empty out the tank and extend 3 level sampling to 5-level - middle of Top and Middle of Bottom - think it is good enough

If u do have to sweep, prepare to receive sludge (as common to seedoil from South Ameirca) and losses

You always lost oil when emptying out the tank. Why?..... to continue

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The begining

Graduate with Class II Upper Honors in Chemistry - hard work, all study and no play.
A bit regret. Dont consider myself very smart and need hard work to subtantiate

Final Year exam over in February but 6 month before that start looking for job. A friend went for Europe tour saying that it is the only time we have time to travel. Second Sister agreed but only moral support. No money

Government under Hussein Onn and practically no development. All of us gather at library waiting for employment, Slowly the number decreasing and i am one of the lucky one who get job before the graduation

Started work as Chemist-Surveyor with Caleb Brett - turn out to be surveyor. 20 months experience but good training ground. Suddenly land-duck like me got to go on board the ship - and i cant swim - never fear until some 20yrs later i was almost drown in Pontianak River when my speed boat over turn. No jacket and i miraculously survive